Here’s Why a B2B Experience Is Just B2C in Disguise | The C2 Group

It has long been established that the customer experience (CX) of business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) are two different paths. However, as savvy businesses continue to understand the value of a thoughtful customer experience — and make the commitment to invest in one — the B2C experience has matured and is having a major influence on B2B.

The reason for this? We ALL shop online. It’s that simple. Every person that is part of a company’s B2B decision process has been an e-commerce consumer. So as B2C has become more efficient, personalized, and simple, customers expect this from all their e-commerce experiences.

In short, every customer is equal in what they expect from an e-commerce shopping experience, whether it’s a business or a consumer. So, let’s look at what this means as these two selling paths converge.

via Here’s Why a B2B Experience Is Just B2C in Disguise